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安斯泰来表示,终止合作的决定,是基于该项研发合作所取得的成果,但未详细说明。CoMentis公司网站上列出了其主导产品——口服小分子BACE抑制剂CTS-21166(ASP1720),但定义为“机密”状态。CTS-21166旨在抑制β-淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)片段在大脑淀粉样斑块中的累积。据报道,该产品已在2项I期临床研究中取得了可喜的结果。在2008年公布的一项I期研究中,CTS-21166以高达225mg剂量静脉注射AD患者体内时,表现出了良好的安全性,数据表明,在一段延长期内,血浆β-淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)水平呈现剂量依赖性降低,显著抑制血浆Aβ持续超过72小时。在2012年公布的另一项I期研究中,口服200mg CTS-21166也取得了相似的研究数据。此外,在一项为期6周的小鼠实验中,AD小鼠模型大脑中Aβ水平降低了1/3。
2年前,强生和辉瑞的单抗药物bapineuzumab以及礼来的单抗药物solanezumab均在III期临床惨遭失败,这2种药物研发投入均超过10亿美元,在AD新药研发领域,是非常沉重的打击。而BACE抑制剂是另一种很有前途的新方法,已取代单抗药物站在了阿尔茨海默氏症药物研发的舞台中心。当前,默沙东(Merck & Co)是BACE抑制剂领域的领导者,其实验性药物MK-8931的首批III期临床数据预计将于2017年左右获得。
尽管新药研发路途艰难,但尚无迹象表明,生物医药行业将要放弃阿尔茨海默氏症领域的新药研发。今年9月,礼来(Eli Lilly)又投5亿美元,押注阿斯利康(AZN)成功几率仅9%的AD新药AZD3293,该药也是一种口服β-淀粉样前体蛋白裂解酶(BACE或β分泌酶)抑制剂,正调查用于早期阿尔茨海默氏症(AD)的治疗。
英文原文:Astellas backs out of a $760M Alzheimer's deal with CoMentis
Astellas Pharma has terminated its six-year collaboration with CoMentis to develop and commercialize beta-secretase inhibitors for Alzheimer’s disease, the companies said—a partnership that had been expected to generate up to $760 million for CoMentis.
Astellas said its decision came “based on the outcome of the research and development collaboration,” without elaborating. The pharma giant said it recognized impairment losses on other intangible asset of ¥8.1 billion (about $59.5 million) in the first three months of the company’s current fiscal year, which began April 1.
CoMentis’ website lists the status of the company’s lead product, identified only as “BACE inhibitor” as “confidential.”
That product, CTS-21166 (ASP1720), was reported to have shown promising results in two Phase I trials. In one such trial, for which findings were published in 2008, the oral small-molecule BACE inhibitor was reported to be safe when injected intravenously into Alzheimer’s patients with doses as high as 225 mg. Results showed a dose-dependent reduction of plasma beta-amyloid (Aβ) levels for an extended period of time, with significant inhibition of plasma Aβ persisted beyond 72 hours.
Similar results were obtained from a second phase I trial on subjects receiving an oral liquid solution of 200 mg CTS-21166, for which results were published in 2012. A six-week trial in 13-month-old transgenic mice with Alzheimer’s showed a one-third reduction in brain Aβ—though chronic dosing produced no detectable change on myelination in peripheral nerves.
CTS-21166 was designed to inhibit the accumulation of Aβ fragments into plaques within the brain. The fragments are made through the cutting of larger proteins called amyloid precursor protein (APP) by two enzymes, the enzyme BACE and γ-secretase. CoMentis reasoned that inhibition of BACE through compounds that could pass the blood-brain barrier could stop the progression of Alzheimer’s.
“CoMentis’s approach of BACE inhibition targets the underlying disease mechanism and has the possibility of being one of the first disease-modifying therapies for Alzheimer’s disease,” CoMentis states on its website.
However, the compound had not appeared on Astellas’ updated lists of pipeline drugs. In an updated listing of its R&D pipeline as of Aug. 1, Astellas lists only one Alzheimer’s compound—ASP3662, developed in-house.
Under their deal, announced in April 2008, Astellas agreed to pay CoMentis $80 million upfront, plus a $20 million equity investment; the pharma giant bought CoMentis’ Series D preferred stock. CoMentis was eligible for up to $660 million in payments tied to development milestones, plus commercialization milestone payments.
CoMentis also received the right to development milestone payments for next-generation beta-secretase inhibitors discovered under the research collaboration. Astellas also agreed to fund 100% of the pre-Phase III global development costs, with CoMentis sharing Phase III development costs.
In return, Astellas won exclusive worldwide commercialization rights to CTS-21166, while CoMentis retained the right to co-promote the drug in the U.S., where the companies agreed to share profits. The companies also agreed that CoMentis would receive royalties on sales outside the U.S.
The memory-robbing ailment has long eluded drug discovery efforts, with the failure rate for experimental treatments between 2002-2012 an astounding 99.6%, researchers at the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health and Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine reported in “Alzheimer's Disease Drug Development Pipeline: Few Candidates, Frequent Failures,” published online July 3 in the journal Alzheimer's Research & Therapy.